MoveToLocation- Navigation AI not moves pawn

Hello, I’ve got an AiController attached to pawn- it should follow player. But MoveToLocation doesn’t move an enemy to the player- I’ve debugged it, so debug always printsn EPathFollowingRequestResult::RequestSuccessful
And controller rotates to the palyer’s direction. But it not moves. How could I fix it?

void AEnemyAIController::FollowPlayer()
		float AcceptableRadius = FMath::RandRange(8.0f, 1200.0f);
		EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type FollowResult;
		FollowResult = MoveToLocation(GetCharacterLocation(), AcceptableRadius);
		FString DebugText = UEnum::GetValueAsString(FollowResult);
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *DebugText);