I have a problem with AI. AI is chasing player correctly when there are no breaks in navmesh. But if the player goes on a platform, AI tries to reach him from bottom, although it has NavMesh next to it. Acceptance radius is 4 and AI is not close to the player. Flow is going through MoveTo but AI is just standing under the platform. I have no idea what is wrong.
You can use a Nav Link Proxy to have the AI go up the slope to the player.
EDIT: Wait, I misread. You want the AI to go around the platform and up the left-most slope, but it’s stopping below the player, correct? You could try adding a one-way Nav Link Proxy from the top of the platform to the bottom, which might give the AI some additional data to work with, but other than that, it should already work as-is (though it’s hard to tell from the image)
Hard to see by drawing, but if you have a slop, is the slop too steep for the AI to travel up it?
Is success output firing when the AI stops? Do you have Stop on Overlap checked? If your player BP has any large components(i.e. sphere collision) maybe the AI is overlapping and stopping. Uncheck that if that’s the case. Also keep an eye on Movement result, see what the AI is doing when it stops there.