hello, here are two question
- character movement stops when offscreen?
- is my playercontroller → controlledpawn → character class flow correct?
so ive been experimenting with multiple character class blueprints with ai controller, and sending them to a specific location when i press spacebar… for a topdown rts…
at first i thought it was doing ok… well, it worked alright, they reached the specified destination…
but i just noticed today that, when i try to send all the characters present in my screen
click a unit, press space bar
click another unit, press space bar… etc…
and then not moving the screen/camera … they move… but then when they get offscreen, they kinda stop…
if i moved my camera (controlled pawn class) just when they stopped moving, they start moving again…
but if i dont focus my camera to them longer than maybe 5 seconds… and focus the camera to them again…
they wont move anymore, like they forgot that theyve been commanded to go to a specific destination…
i wonder what’s wrong.
it’s like they only move when im looking at them / in screen view…
but as they get offscreen, they just stop…
these are the screenshot of my blueprints…
This is the player controller
This is the master unit / camera unit / default controlled pawn
This is the walker
This is the ai controller