Movement Speed Does Not Update

I have a character blueprint where I start off with Flying movement mode. As a test, in my EventBeginPlay, I changed movement mode to Walking and set Max Walk Speed to 0. Then in Tick, I run a Move To Actor. Since speed is 0, my character should not move at all. However, it still did. I found that blueprint still thinks it is using flying mode speed, as changing this to 0 made character finally stop moving. I assume that changing movement mode should also change blueprint to corresponding speed. I will set flying speed as a workaround for now. This was tested using build 2591939 and happened on both launcher and source versions.

Hi eviltenchi,

I haven’t been able to reproduce this in a new project in 4.8.1. To test, I set character’s Default Land Movement Mode to Flying. Then, I created a Target Point BP and dropped it in level, and set this up in character’s Event Graph:

Can you show me your setup, or create a small test project for me that reproduces this issue? Thanks!

Hi eviltenchi,

We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. If you’re still having trouble with Movement Speed in your project, please feel free to respond with information requested above, and we can continue assisting. Thanks!