A few people and I are working on a prototype for an endless runner type game and I’m having trouble with some of the controls. Basically, we need a flying character with a free z/y (the whole vertical plane) movement, but a forced forward speed. That much is going pretty well, but we’d also like the path the character takes to be roller-coaster like, with turns that just don’t work too well with the way the fixed third person camera and the forward movement are set…
My solution was to try to set the character rotation along a spline so the x axis/vector always follow the curve of the path we want it to take, but I’m having trouble setting this up. I managed to make a spline actor and place it how I wanted in the map, but I can’t get the character to actually follow it. The character needs to be able to fly away from the spline and only have it’s orientation and forward movement directed by it.
I’ve tried following this tutorial as a base, but I can’t seem to get it to work (not even the first step in blueprints that places the player character on the spline): Tutorial: Blueprint Spline locked sidescroller (e.g. Klonoa / Pandemonium style game) - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
I’m quite new to blueprint and I’m especially confused about the “distance along spline” variable that I see popping in there since it doesn’t exist by itself in blueprint… Do I need to create a new float and name it that way? Will Unreal really know what to do with that thing event if it’s not really linked to anything???