Movement Replication Issue: Rubber-banding / Snapping

Hello! I’ve something up wrong. Hoping for a bump in the right direction. On my custom pawn the only thing that is replicated is the Six DOF Movement component and a few variables. That’s it.

Big open topic I know - what area should I start looking? Glad to share blueprints as needed.

Please see this video. The lower window is the server - works great. As intended. The upper window is the client and it keeps snapping back to its starting location.

Any suggestions where to look? Thanks in advance for the feedback!

From the looks of it your just not correctly sending your inputs to the server.

so when you move on the client the server just thinks your still standing still.

so when the server sends a correction to the client it would cause rubberbands / snapping for the client setting it back to the starting position

Ah. Thank you for this. I’ll update this question with the solution if that’s the issue. Ill test around a single input first.

So, replicating the input in the following manner for all controls made no difference. I still get all the snapping and bubber-banding. Still the same as the video above.

Any other suggestions?

To close this thread I just want to mention the issue ended up being local net work testing. Running client and server on the same machine. When I tested with remote computers across the Internet, everything replicated correctly.

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