Movement on the inclined plane

I need some help. The object should move from the horizontal plane to an inclined plane and should only rotate whenever this condition applies.

Thanks in advance!

Make it a physics based object, play with the gravity, mass, axis locks, it will rotate automatically as you push it left and right using f.ex. AddForce

it will rotate automatically as you
push it left and right using f.ex.

Add Force & Torque mayhap. This should be fun.

The question is whether this can be physics based or do you actually want to math it out. How are you moving the box atm?

It shouldn’t be physics-based.

The object should move independently, with help of Line Trace.

How are you moving the box atm?

  • tracing + set location
  • sweeping
  • relative location
  • something else

What makes the box go? User holds a key, and the box moves automagically and we have no other control over the rotation? But it conforms to the surfaces.

  • at what incline steepness should it rotate?
  • what behaviour is expected when the incline is minimal (we also flip it to next side or just slide it?)
  • or perhaps it’s always 45 degrees
  • what happens when we go down the slope (or is this irrelevant as we always go up?)
  • when the box rotates to one of the sides, do we preserve the momentum / speed or just rotate in X seconds or rotate with constant speed until the other surface normal is reached?

Any details?