"Movement not allowed" 7P2


i got an issue with “Simple Move To Location” in Blueprints for a Player Character.
Everything worked in 4.5/4.6, with 4.7 Preview2 suddenly no movement and i get message “Movement not allowed”

Character has a MovementComponent and a Navmesh is also built.

Just tried, this happens also with standard TopDown Template (Blueprint).

Thanks in advance,

Hi ,

This is a known issue we have reported internally as UE-7254. developers are looking into it now. I will let you know as soon as I see an update on it. Thanks for your report!

any progress after update?

yep im having trouble with it. should i restart my project since it is based on “old” template?

edit: works if i have physics on capsule disabled

Hi MST5,

This should be working again in a new project in 4.7.3. Let us know if you have any trouble with it. Thanks!

You might try replacing Nav Mesh first. Then open TopDownController Blueprint and File > Refresh All Nodes. You may also need to delete and replace Simple Move to Location node in MoveToHitLocation function. I unfortunately don’t have a project from when this wasn’t working to test on, but that ought to do it.

Ah, yes, characters in general don’t work if they have physics enabled on capsule.

thanks a lot. I am not familiar with nav meshs and I “wrote” another blueprint with add movement input before which did/does not work. Im gonna start from scratch for training and copy complex stuff over and maybe watch a tutorial on navmeshes. Thanks a lot!

how else can I simulate a fireball which hits character and applies a force in that direction? maybe you know Warlock from Warcraft 3

That’s a question for another post, probably in Using UE4 section. There are definitely ways; ragdolls on hit events, custom animations, etc.