Movement buttons for rolling ball (android)

I want to make movement buttons for rolling ball i.e left , right , forward , backward(android). But I don’t know how to do that . Can anyone help me out . Any help is appreciated

Hello! This is comment from source for this flag

/** Rename won't call ResetLoaders or flush async loading. You should pass this if you are renaming a deep subobject and do not need to reset loading for the outer package */

Bro I’m new to ue4 and I don’t know what to do with this :slight_smile:

Ok, so the question is - what are you wanting to do?

bro im talking about this four buttons for android(movement buttons)

Ok, the first thing you need - rolling ball template project (one from defaults). As for buttons you can add them as UMG. Take a look at this UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation

Thanks for your support . I had solved this issue :wink:

Bro thanks for ur support . I had solved this issue :wink: