Move Widget around Canvas (Verse)

Hi! I have a canvas that has one canva slot. The Widget that contains is a color_block, when defined I put it in X 960 and Y 900, is any way to change it like move it or animate it for moving to for example X 900. In the Verse API Reference I can’t see any related, only defining the struct.

    MyGameUI : canvas = canvas:
        Slots := array:
            Offsets := margin{
              Top := 900.0,
              Left := 960.0
            SizeToContent := true
            Alignment := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5} 
            Widget := color_block{DefaultColor := MakeColorFromSRGBValues(0, 255, 0), DefaultDesiredSize := vector2{
              X := 100.0,
              Y := 30.0
            ZOrder := 75