move vertices of a skeletal mesh at runtime on hit

Hi, i would like to know how modifying the skeletal mesh at runtime when the character gets hit would be done.

Let’s say i have a ball, and if it falls from too high then the ball would get dented. How do i access the vertices of the skeletal mesh so i can apply forces to the mesh itself indicating damage/hits?

thank you

This is something that falls under the animation part itself. Accessing the vertices data to modify it is what we called Morphs. You can find tons of tutorials about this.

To simply start, you can create the ball morphs using blender. Ofcourse, this only works with 3d SK meshes. Hope it helps your findings.

here’s an example of what i mean

Alright, in this case, it might not be a good idea to use this morphing method. There’s another way that you can try.

Try this and let’s see if it is what you want.