Move To Location fails on Request, but Simple Move To Location works..

So this is infurating. Move to Location doesn’t work, but Simple Move to Location does. I can even put Simple move to location off the Request Failed and it’ll work like a charm… except I can’t use On Move Finished, the whole point.

Everything seems fine. It works sometimes, not others. Any ideas what could be causing this?

My location is getting the location of an instanced static mesh and moving there (to it’s vector - destination)

Edit: So I kinda figured this out… I removed collision from the instanced static meshes I’m moving too even though they’re just small trees, and it worked… Does Move To Location seriously not work if it’s near a static mesh, when Simple Move To will work…? Is there another way I can get ‘on move complete’ for simple move to location… or to just make this guy try his best? Really annoying that it just results in failure when simple move to works perfectly fine.

Edit edit: Fixed by setting Can Affect Navigation to False on my instanced static meshes. Still have collision, and my guy will now move there. Hurrah!

I’ll leave this up for anyone who might have this problem.