"Move to and Use Smart Object with Gameplay Behavior" always returns On Failed unless you add a delay before EndBehavior

I’m learning Smart Objects and right now I have a simple set up where on BeginPlay my NPCs scan for SOs and pick one at random to move to and use. The behavior tree runs one task to find the SO and get its claim handle, then the next task handles moving-to-and-using:

Everything has been working as intended/expected. My NPCs do move to the claimed SO, and run whatever Gameplay Behavior I’ve configured for it. And I am able to tell them to stop and exit the object and go find a new one, again without a hitch.

But, I noticed that this “Move to and Use Smart Object with Gameplay Behavior” node always returns “On Failed” even though my NPCs are, well, successfully moving-to-and-using my objects.

So while it’s not impacting anything in the immediate term, it’s still unexpected behavior that I worry could lead to problems down the line, but I can’t find anything in the docs about this node. I am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction or has a deeper knowledge of the C++ side and what conditions should be triggering these outputs?

tldr why is this node only ever returning as “failed” when it seems to be succeeding?

I have some updates on this.

Inside the smart object’s Gameplay Behavior class, inserting a delay anywhere before calling EndBehavior allows the "Move To and Use Smart Object with Gameplay Behavior" node (the one run by the BTTask, shown in my first post) to return Succeeded.

I discovered this because I had changed my code for other reasons, making it so that EndBehavior wasn’t triggered anyway until receiving an event dispatcher from elsewhere (thus creating a “delay” incidentally).

But I also tested this with a barebones set up inside the Gameplay Behavior and got the same results:

Returns succeeded:

Returns Failed:

-Same as in my first post, my NPCs will still correctly claim, use, then release my smart objects even without the enforced delay, so I still don’t know what specifically under the hood is “failing” there, but at least now it’s possible to detect successes.


(btw, in testing, this type of delay node did not work, only the “Set Timer By…” types did):

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Does anybody figured out why this is happening? I confirmed it is the current behavior and adding the Timer By Event returns On Succeeded

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Would love to know more on this. It is currently very much affecting my logic and even the timers and delays arent causing it to succeed ever.

(post deleted by author)