Move project to a newer UE version

Could you please share your experience in moving a large project (whole game) to a newer version of UE.
I found that not everything can be migrated to a newer version (e.g. bleuprints).
So I am wondering if I have created a project, for example in UE4, and then decided to move to UE5, what problems will I face (for example, creating all blueprints from scratch).

Usually, you just open the project with the later engine version, it will make a copy and then have a coffee while 40,000,000 shaders compile.

Always let the engine make a copy ( or keep your own ). But it should be fairly painless.


Actually, I tested moving to newer engine in this way, but when you copy a project blueprint assets from previous project aren’t recognized in the new one. Maybe I did something wrong.

You shouldn’t need to do any copying. Blueprints will not work if you go backwards in versions, but should be fine going forwards.

I meant when engine make a copy (not me myself), actually I tried to move form UE4.27 to UE5 and blueprints was hidden in UE5. Maybe the point is UE5 itself, but I read that bluepirnts are backward compatible not forward and this actually make a sense.

Hmm, no idea. If anything, BPs should go from 4 to 5, but definitely not the other way.

I’d be interested to see what you read…