I think Timeline lets you input the time to start at (float param)
I need to move an object along a spline without using event tick so I came up with the idea to use timelines. How can I move an object along a spline with a timeline that uses new times based on the distance of the object from the player(like a boomerang). I know that was probably really confusing so ask if you have a question.
Not sure if I get it. A boomerang would start at the player’s location, follow a spline and come back to the same location (a well thrown one, that is).
Setting New Time would mean that you do not want to use the entire length of the Spline or the entire length of the Timeline or both:
The way I have it set up is when the player throws the boomerang, it’s a projectile with the projectile component but once it hits the ground or an object it comes back to the player.