"Move component to" Return not working!

Hi, I was following a UE5 tutorial “https://www.udemy.com/course/unreal-engine-course/
to create a blueprint to move a mesh down when character begin overlap with a collision box and when overlap end return the mesh to its original location.

the first part of moving the mesh when begin overlap works perfectly, but when trying to return the mesh to its original location when overlap ends didn’t work !! However, I setup my blue print exactly the same as in the tutorial.

Any idea why it didn’t work ??
Screenshot are below.

UE5 - Question

Thank you…

You need to put the location in a variable. You’re sampling it in real time, which of course changes… :slight_smile:

I didn’t get it ??
So you mean I should put the original location in a variable ? or the location after movement.

It will only return if it’s currently moving, if it gets to its destination you need to call move again to the original location.


Now I remember why I don’t use that node… :slight_smile: