Move Character along right vector until facing another Point

Hey guys,

I am trying to implement a basic climbing system and I am a little lost with vectors and math at the moment :wink:

The problem:
I want to move around a corner, to another position, but I can’t move the character right to this position because he would then go through the wall. So I need another position which is located on (along?) the right vector and where the final position is 90° to the right vector.

Does this make any sense?

Here is a little drawing of what I want to accomplish: So I have the current position + normal of wall, new position + normal and I want the green one. This is top down view, it will be 3D in the game.

And here is what I got so far (Moving straight to the point - only the red framed area is interesting, the other part is for offsetting the character):

I hope it’s clear what I am trying to do or say here and I hope someone can help me here. It would be much appreciated :slight_smile:
Best Regards, Joey