Dear all,
I have a data curve with x,y and angle_to values for different times. I want to use that data curve for setting the animation keys in the sequencer. Is that possible at all? If yes… How?
Kind regards
Dear all,
I have a data curve with x,y and angle_to values for different times. I want to use that data curve for setting the animation keys in the sequencer. Is that possible at all? If yes… How?
Kind regards
It is possible to animate the camera movement using curves. I am however unsure if it is possible to use them in the sequencer when animating. Usually curves drive time and I am unaware if that works here.
I know it is possible to move a camera using a curve between points using a spline or between an array of points. Usually you just use the curve as a medium to interpolate between the positions.
Perhaps you can copy values and paste them into the animation curve of an sequencer. Here is a video going over the Animation Curves. Sequencer Control Animation Curves UE4.24 - YouTube
Please let me know if, and how you solved this!
Greetings @robeche !
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'- Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Hi there and thanks for your answer! Indeed it is possible to use curves to define the movements of the cameras, the problem is that I can’t find the way to copy paste the keys from a curve editor into the sequencer’s curve editor.
In principle I can create a csv with the required data for the camera positioning (X,Y and angle). I can import this data into a new data curve table. There i can select and copy the keys. But when i try to paste in the sequencer it does not paste anything… Seems to me like an unfinished job… with all my respects…
You’re welcome! I understand your situation and it sounds like you’re encountering an issue with copying and pasting keys from the curve editor into the sequencer’s curve editor.
It’s possible that the functionality to copy and paste keys between curve editors is not supported in the current version of the software you’re using. You could try to contact the Unreal Engine support team or search the forums and documentation for a workaround or solution. Alternatively, you could try exporting the data curve table as a CSV file and import it into the sequencer to see if that works.
Hello Elias and thanks for your reply!!
I think the best option will be to contact the software support. As you mention, ideally it would be great if i could import a csv into the sequencer but i can’t find the option.
The curve editor for the sequencer is almost the same as the curve editor for the data curve but the Asset menu where we can find the import curve tool is missing.
In the figure, the sequencer curve is in the left (without the top menu) and the standard curve table editor in the right (with the top menu)
Hey, looking closer at the system, it seems that they are incompatible and you are not able to copy and paste information between them. If I figure something out I’ll let you know, but for now I suggest making templates in the sequencer tool so that you can copy and paste from one sequencer to another, because that is possible.
Best of luck!
Thanks anyway, even though there was not real solution to my issue it is always great that another brain tells you “hey dude you can’t do that…”