I was wondering if someone created somehow like this.
For example you have a house and want to jump around from 360 image to 360 image just like a VR visit what you can see on a lot of Websites.
Any informations about this.
Example: (507 Walden Dr, Beverly Hills)
Do you want to recreate that in Unreal Engine? If yes, there is a really nice plugin on the marketplace that can create such 360° images for you directly out of UE. There is also a v1 of that plugin but I can only speak for v2. It really works like a charm and the Dev is more than helpful if you face problems.
(Link: Camera 360 V2 in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)
And if you want to recreate that 360 tour in real life you may need special hardware to that. Never did such a project.
Setting hotspots to jump around in 360 images can be achieved with another software. (something like Pano2VR or KRPano). But with these programs you import already made 360° images. To get that finished images out of Unreal, they only way I personally know is with that plugin mentioned. But it seems like there are other ways too …
I only mentioned special hardware if you want to shoot that 360° images in the real world. It was not entirely serious and not even close to funny Sorry. But to make it complete: RL scenarios would require a fancy 360° camera OR a hardware setup that lets you take multiple pictures at the same spot, while rotating mechanically (or so …)