Move an Image with its anchors in UMG using blueprint real-time

Hi everyone,

Very Simple question, hopefully :slight_smile: , I am trying to move an image from the UMG graph I am moving the image in Y direction only, however and unfortunately the anchors are not moving relative to my image, so is there anyway I can move anchors relative to my image. As I am moving the image based on the velocity of another object, I just want the anchors to follow as I have set them up in the UMG UI, I am aware of set anchor node but I cannot predict the values since I need to move the image in real-time, My solution as shown in the image below works fine but the problem is with the screen or window size.

Try the “SetViewportPosition” Node… This will set the Widget relative to his Parent, based on the Anchor Point and Offsets.

**Hi, Mr. Patrick **

Thanks, I believe this node is not available from within the graph in UMG, I am simply trying to move an image from the graph (blueprint) from within the same widget.
it moves as you can see in the image but the anchors are not moving I can tell from the different positions of the image on different screens/window sizes