Move along Spline - Distance unevenly


I use this blueprint script to move a blueprint along a spline. For some reason, in a part of the spline, speed of the blueprint change. It looks like the spline as diferent distance in this part, like it is strechted. I have painted the spline again, but same result. Any idea where to start?

Thanks a lot.

I’ve just been looking at some code I’ve got for this. I get location in world space, but I get rotation in local. Maybe that helps.

I’m also assuming your alpha only goes from 0 - 1?

Thank you for your answer. Alpha is set 0 - 1 in values and timeline goes from 0-1, so it should never be outside this range. I set Get Rotation to local but it does not change anything.

Any other ideas? I will try to make video, so you can see the effect better.

add a spline control point in between?

Thank you for this comment. I will see, what I can do with with a spline control point. I am not sure, what I shoud do in this point.

Here a short video, where you can see the efect.

That kind of jerky movement you mean?

Have you tried making a test spline with just a start and end, quite long, to see if you get the same thing?

I’m thinking at least you could eliminate the spline being the problem.

Thank you all for your help. I did several test, and finally it works quiete well. It was a fault in the spline drawings. I was not able to repair but I had to redraw the whole spline.
I used more spline points to define the straight parts, and it works.

Un saludo,