Move AI to ActorLocation


How would I make it so the time it takes for a AI to go to a Location is as fast as it should be with the given Fly Speed. I tried getting both locations with a VectorLength and then dividing it with the Fly speed setting the new playrate of the Timeline but that doesn’t work (or I did something wrong?).

Current setup:

Hi @Doeglas !

With what you have, it is currently lerping the location between the actor location and the destination based on the alpha attribute given by the SetLocation timeline node. So, that speed can’t be changed as it is moving using the value of that alpha instead of its actual speed. To fix with what you want there are various options, what comes to mind are 2:

  1. There is already a function (target AIController) that moves the AI to Actor Location, then you could modify the AI speed to up the speed (recommended).

  2. You could do it on the tick, multiply the speed with Delta Seconds, and then apply that movement to the AI (not recommended, as it doesn’t take into account the destination).

I don’t really know if you can adjust the speed with the timeline node

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Only problem with the “AI Move to Location or Actor” is that you need a NavMeshBoundVolume and I need the AI to come on top of a Object and I can’t get the NavMesh to go green in that spot.

This is also why I tried to use Set Location instead of letting it follow a spline. When I try to get the AI to fly up it doesn’t work and I can’t get it on top of objects.

I see, with the nodes you already have, does it work? If it does and you only want to config the speed, what if you change the value of the time on the timeline node?

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Yea it was really hard to determine the best time. I now combined both systems, so it follows the spline path first and once the AI comes close to the end of the Spline it will use the “Move to Location” system and position itself above the fire beacon.

Thanks for helping out tho

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