Move actor on conveyor belt unreal engin4

Is there anything in that array? Print its Length.
Show the hierarchy of the box actor that does not move.

i have created a conveyor belt . if i drop any cube with

simulate physics and collision
overlap event

on then it move on it. but i have a actor blueprint of box, if i drop that blueprint on this belt then it is not moving on it with > simulate physics and collision

overlap event
if i not on these options then it move.

box is simple a static mesh cube. without any box collision

If you have no collision, nothing will ever work. Apart from that, please do answer the questions above first. Otherwise, we’ll be going in circles again.

Can you confirm this is what you want:

Image from Gyazo

I’ll zip the project and push it your way if you’re happy with this functionality.

It’s all physics simulated here. There are 3 actors, the spawner, the box and the and belt.

The spawner here is on a timer, but you can just connect it to a button press instead.

Link: Convey.rar - Google Drive

yes sir i want the same functionally. To Span actor after button press and move that actor on conveyor belt. push actor to hole using another pawn actor. if i off the physic simulation then it move on the belt but it was not pushed by another pawn and not pull down to hole. To push box i on the simulate physics.

A quick google search has also yielded this tutorial if your looking to potentially set up one yourself:

Thanks it done.thanks again. the problem was in box_bp. make static mesh(cube) the default root and on simulate physics.

Can you briefly tell what’s going on here? Static meshes sliding along a spline, they get recycled when they reach the end?

How close am I?

Yesterday, someone here asked a question how to make an actual physical conveyor belt, but they deleted the question after ten minutes or so, but I was already curious. So I made an actual moving belt like this. It might be a bit expensive if too long, but if you’re interested, I can share the setup.

You’re absolutely right. Plus a bit of basic math to calculate the number of meshes to spawn based on the spline length.

Show the hierarchy of the box actor
that does not move.

That’s precisely why I asked about the hierarchy :smiley:

And that’s precisely what I told you 8 days ago.

So, I’ve been trying to make a conveyor belt system like this for a VR game, but I keep running into problems. I need the belt to move spheres along the belt, which the player can pick up. The first problem I ran into was needing to make sure it didn’t move my VR hand mesh and then I had to prevent it from moving sphere the hand was holding even when they are overlapping. But now my spheres have started rolling as they are moved along the belt and they drift to the left. Any suggestions?

If you’re imparting forces to (or kinematically moving) things that overlap some volume on top of the belt, a first would be to ignore the VR hand and the sphere it holds in the overlap test. It’s very likely that you will want to choose if an item is affected by conveyor belts, so a simple way to do this would be by using tags and checking them in the overlap test.

The thing about the rolling is to be expected if you’re using spheres. One way to fix this is to increase the rotational dampening of the objects on top of the belt, but it might not look too natural.

For the drift, I would just model the belt’s collision slightly concave so that things tend to roll to the center of the path instead, but if the drift happens in a specific direction, that’s kinda weird, maybe you’re not applying the forces aligned to the center of mass of the objects?