I have an animation where a character flies into the air and then lands on his original spot. During this animation I’d like the character’s collision capsule capsule to fly up with him. It’s basically a reaction on the AI for something that the player can do.
My idea was to have a curve in the animation that matches the movement of my character and use that information for when to move the capsule up/down.
Is that possible and if so, how? Or should I do something with root motion instead? As I understand it root motion can not move the root in Z though?
Doesn’t really matter the simple way is to change the animation of the AI/Enemy if you don’t want to there a lot harder ways, example: you will need to move the mesh down and the actor up (I guess the collision capsule is root so there no way just to move it it will be bound to actor location) and then when the player is getting down you need to move the mesh up and the actor back down and all that with the speed of the animation… so yea more simple to just fix the animation of course there ways to go around but again its not so simple (had the same thing with my slime got to the same answer Good luck)…
Thanks for the explanation! The setup you recommend is kind of what I had previously, but it’s so much easier to make it look really good with animation. Hence me looking for a solution where I can use my animation.
I will look further and see what I find, thank you for taking the time to respond
I think what you want is Root Motion. Root Motion is where you animate the root bone/node with the movement that you want, and then the engine extracts that movement information from the root bone and applies it to the character’s movement, thus moving the collision capsule and all other attached bits with it. You can find a decent amount of information in the documentation about Root Motion.
Hi Widunder,
I’m also interested in the solution of your problem, I am in your same situation, the animation capsule UP does not follow the character, can you tell me how you solved? tk