Mouse target select issues

Hello friends,

With my current target system I run an ActorOnClicked event within a base NPC which then displays several details in game as well as in my own character a left and right mouse button calling to functions etc to display further details.
My issue at the moment is that I wish to control the camera with my mouse and use it to interact with the world.

For instance when I select a target with say my left click, I get a target frame in my UI and a custom render is applied to the target to highlight it and a reticule appears on the floor underneath them. Once I click elsewhere or on another target these details are removed or replaced by the new target.

To rotate my camera I wish to drag the left click, as soon as I press my left click, it of course registers as left pressed and all the details are removed… I want them to stay until I genuinely ‘click’ elsewhere.

Click the target get the details on screen, move to the target and be able to freely rotate the camera en route without deselecting the target unless you have clicked.

Similar to World of Warcraft’s system.

I’ve tried a few nodes relating to input key down, just pressed, released, time down etc but I can’t figure it out and it’s kind of core to my project :smiley:

Please send help.

Thanks in advance.

Take a look at this Set Input Mode Game And UI | Unreal Engine Documentation. This seemed very close to your case.