Recently i have a weird bug: everytime i klick on a spinner(Material Instance, Light Parameter etc) my mouse position is set to the topleft corner of my second screen, which is also on the left.
I am not sure but maybe its since the 1.5.1 update today.
I’m having the same issue
Hello DominicBauer,
I was unable to reproduce this issue. I have a few quick questions for you that will help narrow down what is causing the problem.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this on a clean project?
- Do you have multiple monitors?
- If yes, how many(monitors)?
- Can you provide accurate steps to reproduce this issue?
- Does this happen with all your spinners or does it only happen with certain ones?
- Yes
- Yes
- 2
- not really it occures most of the times, but only on draggable sliders/spinners (like rotation, Intensity … ) but not on fields where you can only put in numbers.
And sometimes this bug dont happen for a while and then again all the time, it either happens with every klick or with none for a while. But i cant reproduce it - sorry
5.With all of them
I can reproduce the issue every time.
- Yes - Created Blank Blueprint project (Desktop / Max Quality / No Starter Content)
- Yes
- 3
- Happens with every spiner, anywhere, every time. BUT only if I don’t move the mouse after clicking. When first creating the above project, I can click on the Light Source and attempt to modify one of the Rotation spinners under Transform - If I click AND drag the mouse before releasing, there’s no issue. But if I ONLY click and don’t move the mouse, upon releasing the mouse the pointer ends up in the top left corner (of my left monitor).
- Happens with all spinners. Spinners in Details for each Actor in the Scene. Spinners in the Blueprints window (for example I can create a new Actor Blueprint, open it up, enter Defaults and the NetCullDistanceSquared spinner and the two below it will reproduce the issue.
I keep the Main Unreal Viewport on my center monitor. All additional windows (like editing Blueprints, Materials, etc) go to my right monitor. I’ve tried changing windows around but it still seems to have an issue.
Unreal 4.5.1
Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64bit
Intel Core i7 CPU 860 @ 2.8GHz
RAM 8.00 GB
AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
I have this or very similar bug on Mac OS X Yosemite since 4.5.1
1 yes
2 no
3 1
4 ocasionaly when moving objects in the editor but more often when I double or tipple click to highlight end edit the text in variables or rename a variable the mouse pointer goes to the top left a and often opens the apple menu.
I also have this issue. 3 monitors, all on 1 GPU. It’s resetting to the top left of the left most monitor, which also happens to be monitor 3. My primary monitor is monitor 1 and it is between monitors 2 and 3. Happens on 4.5.1 and 4.5 from github. Happens on all projects and all spinners.
Hello DominicBauer,
It seems someone beat me to the answer. The link if you would like to check it out states that the issue has been reported to the developers and that they are aware of the issue. Thank you for all the information, it will help narrow down what is causing the problem. You can also use the below link for any further comments. I am marking this one as closed (duplicate).