So I binded my ‘Mouse X’ and Mouse Y’ axis to rotate the camera. At first i programmed it so i have to hold the right mouse button and then move the mouse to rotate the camera. It worked, but I decided to change it so I didnt have to hold the right mouse button to move the camera, just moving the mouse freely to rotate the camera, but it didnt work. The wierd thing is anytime i click and hold on any mouse button, either left or right, it would work. How can I fix this? is anyone else having this issue?
I also encountered this behavior:
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“MouseX: %f, MouseY: %f”), InputComponent->GetAxisValue(“PanCameraRight”), InputComponent->GetAxisValue(“PanCameraForward”))
This prints 0.0 for both axis unless a mouse button is pressed. I am currently fine with that but I still wonder why this is the case.
Found out something, if you click bShowCursor to false it would not have this behavior and the mouse can move freely after the window gains focus.
Edit: sorry that is for C++, it is the “Show Mouse Cursor” in the controller class defaults of your blueprint
Yeah, that is a known issue (at least by many community members).
See my questions from over 1 year here: Mouse Acceleration with bShowCursor=true - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums
I have this problem too and it is not fixed. (i tested on 4.16 & 4.17 version)
And for my game it is mandatory that I use the right mouse button to turn the camera and hide the cursor.
Please, fixe this issue
I have solved this problem .
I used “set input mode Game only”,and sloved the problem.
Have you try this?
No… set input mode game only is not helping … Has anyone got the solution for this error?