Mouse Look Speed Changes with Framerate

I’m trying to make a first-person character, and everything is working well, except that the mouse movement changes with the framerate. If I’m running 120 FPS, then my mouse speed is quite fast, but when I’m running ~70-80 FPS, the player looks around kind of slow. There should be an image of my mouse look code below.

Thank you! I found the solution! The first part is to get the delta time with the event tick node as shown below.


The second part is to multiply the mouse sensitivity by that delta time variable (a sensitivity of 20 seems to be good). Now the mouse look speed is consistent between different frame rates.

I tried going down to 10fps, it’s very choppy, but the player can actually look around as fast as normal.

If you do have problems of this nature, the usual solution is to multiply by game delta seconds ( and another constant ). As the frame time gets larger, your multiplier goes up automatically.
