Mouse Look bound to Viewport

Hello, i got the following issue:
I am using the Get Mouse X Node to get my mouse position, but the problem is, when i reach the viewport limits my mouse position delta = 0 => i cant rotate my spring arm anymore, how can i get a delta X (rotation of the object) even after reaching the viewport limits?

Didnt change anything, i dont have a locked courser by the way,
with “Use pawn control rotation” switched off the add controller yaw input did nothing, and using input axis turn in my old version was still bound to the viewport

Uhm, it look a pretty weird way to turn your camera, if you left unchecked the “Use pawn control rotation” in your spring arm setting you should try this:


If you checked “Use pawn control rotation” in your spring arm it could be a little harder but still possible.

Let’s me know if it helps or not!

Uhm, Just 2 questions:

Is it a 3rd person game?

Are you using a pawn actor or a player character actor?

kind of a third person, i am a camera around an object which can be rotatet around the object, and i am on a pawn actor

Yeah, I understand why isn’t working.

For avoid your delta to become 0 your mouse can’t reach the sides, you can do it setting your mouse position to 0,0 for every game tick.

I’m sorry there’s no “Set mouse position” node in bp, you need C++ or Rama Plugin (you can find it somewhere in this forum topic: (39) Rama's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required! - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums! ).