Mouse issue, 4.17

To give a brief overview,

I have built a couple of games over the years in Unreal. Recently I have been updating one to work with some new content. Unfortunately trying to load it in a later version of the engine failed but that is an issue for another time.

Right now, I have an issue where, as I’m going through the widgets before the start of the game, the mouse will show up. Regardless of how I set it in the blueprints, the mouse will always show up as if something is forcing it to ignore the set show mouse bool. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

The games used to work perfectly, so I have no idea why this is happening now?

Regardless of how I set it in the
blueprints, the mouse will always show
up as if something is forcing it to
ignore the set show mouse bool. Does
this sound familiar to anyone?

Each widget controls mouse visibility via cursor settings:


Set it to None if you want to see no cursor over this widget element.