Mouse input has stopped working. Please help!

For some reason complexly beyond me, mouse input has started acting very strange while in play mode . Mouse input is completely ignored unless I have a mouse button down. I’ve made no recent changes to my player controller, nor my project / engine settings.

  • When I click play, my mouse no longer disappears. Previously, when I clicked the play button, the mouse would disappear until I enabled it with a UI widget or exited play mode by hitting escape on my keyboard.
  • Likewise, when moving the mouse around, it no longer changes the position of the camera like it used to. All of the camera / mouse control is exactly the same as the default BP_ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint.
  • When holding either mouse button down, I am able to control the camera by moving the mouse around like before.
  • Despite mouse input not working, the keyboard hasn’t beef effected.

While it’s technically possible that I’ve made some weird mistake in my blueprints, i’m 99% sure that I haven’t, and that I accidentally changed some editor setting by accidentally activating some shortcut in the editor. Does anyone have any idea how to proceed?

Hey there @ganabab! Welcome to the community! I’ve seen something similar when a user made a widget that had the bool isFocusable ticked and covered the entire viewport. This made the user unable to click in to receive the mouse input. Do you get this prompt when launching PIE?
