Mouse down Actor Location strange result?

(I don’t have any capture software atm…) If I try and move an Actor with Mouse down it keeps resetting the position?

Tick → Is Input Key Down (Left Mouse) → Hit Result for Objects(Static) … Location → Set Actor Location.

Hard to advise without seeing the collision setup / method used. What you described seems to work as expected:

I could think of a dozen ways to make it not work OK, though. Too many to list. So the real question here is what else is going on on your end. As in, I’d look for the culprit outside this snippet of script.

If I try and move an Actor with Mouse down it keeps resetting the position?

For example:

If you do not hit any World Static object type, this will return false, resulting in Location spitting out 0,0,0, resetting the actor’s position.

Thanks, good to know it does work. I found the problem, it was using “Set Input Mode Game and UI”.