Mouse cursor not visible when clicked in PIE standalone, but works properly in packaged builds

This function sets Input Mode to Game and UI. It uses my ‘Game HUD’ widget as focus which has its CanvasPanel’s Visibility set to “Visible”. All its children widgets are set to “Visible” as well just to make sure it doesn’t absorb mouse input. Sets ShowMouseCursor and MouseOverEvents to true just to make sure everything is set properly.

The whole purpose is to make sure the cursor stays visible at all times.

Engine version 4.10.4

Bug use case:

  • Run as Standalone Game within the editor.
  • Cursor not visible.
  • Add function to PlayerController to call this ‘ShowMouseCursor’ function on any test input.
  • Hit input action to call the function.
  • Cursor visible and locked to viewport just like the settings show.
  • Left click or right click : cursor vanishes permanently.
  • Hit test input again to call the function.
  • Cursor visible until clicking makes it vanish.

Packaged build (Development):

  • Open game.
  • Hit test input to call function.
  • Cursor is visible and clicks do not make the cursor vanish at all, and cursor is locked to viewport correctly too, etc.
  • Everything works correctly. (clicking does not make cursor vanish)

I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong since it works as intended in a packaged build. PIE is just really annoying to dev in…

Hello ,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps (including any small steps that may have been missed in your original report) to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any other blueprints that may be involved with this issue?

So I just tested something.

My project is a multiplayer game with a listen server.

Players join a session and then the server uses Server Travel to transfer clients to the game map.

Seamless travel is used as well.

I noticed that the cursor started disappearing when I use server travel.

So I erased the game loop and started the game straight away into the game map (instead of starting from main menu, hosting a lobby and having clients join to prompt server travel) and spawned characters/clients possessed them/clients then use the Show Mouse Cursor function.

And it worked.

After completely erasing all Set Input Mode nodes from all blueprints and only leaving the Show Mouse Cursor function to be sure no other BPs are involved, I tested it loading into the game map directly instead of using server travel, and the cursor functioned correctly in PIE standalone after clients possessed their characters and the Show Mouse Cursor function was called. It was locked into viewport and everything as well, and the cursor does not vanish on click.

I then tested it with the complete game loop using server travel, and the cursor vanishes on click.

I have no idea why this is related, but it seems to be the issue.

At this point, I don’t really care for it because it works perfectly in packaged builds and I’m testing the game in PIE directly into the game map, and the cursor works as intended when loading directly into the game map instead of using server travel, so I’m fine with it.

Hello ,

I happy to hear that you seem to have found a workaround for the issue that you are having. It appears as though the issue has to do with managing your input mode. Also, I get the impression that you would like to close the thread from your last statement. If this is not the case then feel free to reopen this thread by adding a reply. Otherwise I will be setting your last comment as an answer.

Make it a great day

Mouse vanishing happens for me when holding the LMB after launching a map from a lobby - but doesn’t happen when playing a map directly in PIE

Same thing happened to me when using Seamless Travel

I’ve come across the same bug, only happening after using seamless server travel.