Mouse Cursor Disappears When Setting Focus To HUD

Okay, here’s the deal. I’m using the third person template and I want to allow the user to be able to hold the alt button, in this case the ShowMouseCursor input, so that he can interact with the gamehud. The problem is when I have the both the functions to set and remove focus from the HUD connected, the game doesn’t show the cursor at all. But if I remove one of the two functions, the mouse appears as it should.

This doesn’t show the mouse cursor.

This does show the mouse cursor.

Is it a bug or what am I doing wrong?

And since I’m already asking for help, how do I stop my game from spawning me as a spectator? I must’ve screwed something up because now when I click play, it doesn’t automatically possess my playercontroller or my character, I have to manually right click and click on spawn from here to play as my character.

You need it?
I create function- Access to mouse control. Then I call it, when you need to use HUD

Variable Blueprints- Variable type: Your_Widget- Reference



P.S.:Excuse me for my bad English=)