Hi, so i have been createing mouse cursor system from blueprint from scratch, and it works greate and very light on performance.
Unfortunately that means and later on i found out that custom cursor doesn’t seem to be working with UI button functions and etc
If i disable my custom cursor system and enable the in build in cursor system, it seems that my camera controller is limited to its rotation, duo to the cursor only can go in a certain way in the viewport itself.
How do i fix this problem, or perhaps is there a way to detect if my mouse in generel is over a widget/ui thing like buttion, image etc?
I am familiar wit hthe on click, on hovered and etc. Problem is that i can’t be detected if i not enableing “Show mouse cursor”
originally i am not enableing show mouse cursor, because i was handleing mouse cursor myself with a simple blueprint. But since i cant seem to detect buttons/ui things with my custom cursor system i had to enable the show mouse cursor/in build cursor system for unreal engine. Only problem is enableing show mouse cursor limits my camera rotation when moving my mouse since the cursor has its limit on the viewport…
I think i spoke to soon… Testing further into it and seems like its still the same. Using that node also removes the cursor for any click with the mouse.
Problem is if i use “Show mouse cursor” the InputAxis X and Y (mouse) is getting locked if you reach the end of your viewport, this makes so my camera rotation is only rotateing if the mouse is the in viewport. If you aren’t using “Show mouse cursor” the InputAxis isn’t locked even if you mouse reaached beyond the viewport limit
If i use my custom cursor system, witch is as simple as getting the mouse position and moving a widget cursor to its location, problem is that UI Widgets can’t be detected for click, hover and etc
Also: If there is any way to detect a widget button like on its hover, or click without haveing the Show mouse cursor enabled, please let me know. Then i can handle cursor functions way easier then unreal engine system…
Not sure why unreal engine does this, but i can’t seem to find any solutions… Hopefully someone may be able to help