Mouse Control

Guys can anyone please help me with one issue that how to control mouse sensitivity with Blueprints… and how to invert mouse with blueprints.

Easy hack to invert mouse: Add an ‘Execute Console Command’ node to your ‘Event Begin Play’ and add ‘invertmouse’ to the text field.

If you want to do this for real you need to set up the vector math I believe, but I’m not the right one to answer that. :slight_smile:

In Input section of Project Settings you could set the scale of your mouse inputs to -1, that will invert the mouse movement. You presumably only want to do this with the Y-Axis not the X.

Well Gooner44 i can use the console command “invertmouse” to invert mouse, but can u also tell me the console commands for mouse sensitivity x and mouse sensitivity y

Assuming you’re trying to adjust the sensitivity of the player controller then you could do something like this. It uses a float variable ‘Sensitivity’ which scales the mouse input, values lower than 1.0 will make the mouse less sensitive (ie bigger mouse movement required for smaller controller movement) and values higher than 1.0 will make it more sensitive. I’ve also shown how you could use a second boolean variable ‘Invert’ to toggle whether the Y-axis is inverted or not. You’ll need to put this in the BP for your player pawn.

Thanks a lot man

Well man is there any other way cause this wont connect it to the Mouse sensitivity in Project Settings > Input > Axis Config

Wondering why this is not working. I cannot find invert when i search BP db, and i’m not clear why multiplying Y by -1 does nothing

(I’m very new to this)

Multiplying LookUp value with -1 worked for me.