Mouse click not captured in player controller

Hey guys,

i am running out of ideas. I just can’t manage to capture a mouse click. So here is the scenario:

  • I have a UProceduralMeshComponent as the RootComponent of an AActor class added in my level
  • Also i have a UMG widget as the HUD with a simple button
  • I was adding a mouse click action entry in my Project settings Input section
  • I am binding the action to a function which is never called
  • I am starting the game in PIE

Here is some code in my ALevelPlayerController:

void ALevelPlayerController::BeginPlay()


void ALevelPlayerController::SetupInputComponent()

	bEnableClickEvents = true;
	bShowMouseCursor = true;
	FInputModeGameAndUI inputMode;
	InputComponent->BindAction("TerrainLeftClicked", IE_Pressed, this, &ALevelPlayerController::OnLeftMouseButtonClicked);

void ALevelPlayerController::OnLeftMouseButtonClicked()
    // There is a lot of code here. Unfortunately it never gets executed :(

For some reason the OnLeftMouseButtonClicked fucntion is never called. I was reading a lot of solution suggestions in this forums and the rest of internet. All the suggestions i found i was adding in my code without any success. Any help is highly appreciated.



thanks for your answer! Unfortunately the left mouse button was already added in the ClickEventKeys. So no success. I am using a workaround now. I use the OnClicked event in the actor class to know if the actor was clicked.

Still i think it should be possible just to capture if the left mouse key was pressed/released.

Cheers DeKande

There is a Member called ClickEventKeys on a PlayerController. You will have to register the left mouse button there if you want to generate click events for it. I have a Blueprint where I can select from the keys, if you want to keep it C++ only, then you will have to create an FKey from the proper key name. For the left mouse button this would just be FKey("LeftMouseButton"); (I think).

  1. project setting → filtering with “mouse” → uncheck USE MOUSE FOR TOUCH

  2. check variables about mouse in your playercontroller class

Thank you so very much, this solved my problem in the AR project :slight_smile: