i have a problem with “Mouse Click Event” and tried everything i could find on the internet.
When i start my Game (Editor, New Window, Standalone and Packaged) the mouse click event only fires at the first time i single click - then i always have to double click to fire mouse click event.
What i want:
Single Mouse Click Event always be fired. There is no double click defined anywhere in the project.
What i already testet:
change input mode to: game only, ui only, game and ui
disable/enable mouse for touch
disable/enable capture mouse on launch
all different settings in “default viewport mouse capture mode”
all different settings in “default viewport mouse lock mode”
Which event? What are you doing, specifically? Enhanced Input, OnClick trace, Left Click in the controller, widget click… there’s a dozen ways to trigger it. So, do tell!
Actually all of them. I have enhanced input with “Left Mouse Button” and “Gamepad Face Button Down”. For testing i added “Left Mouse” Input in player controller or player character with print on “Pressed” execution.
With gamepad it fires all the time but “Left Mouse Button” only fires the first time on single click, then only on double click. In widget it works correctly.
Just noticed:
After first click, when i press “Right Mouse Button” and “Left Mouse Button” it fires.
Is this widget full screen? The first click gets consumed by the UI, but double-click is unhandled and the 2nd click reaches the Player Controller only? Feasible?
I think i found the problem. In the Player Controller there is a “set input game only” event after adding mapping context. I replaced this node with “set input mode game and ui” with no widget in focus, because there is no, except you open the menu.
Now it works but why? On start no widget gets spawned and it was set to “set input game only” and there was this double click problem.
I also encountered a weird similar issue and solved it the same way.
Everything is working just fine at the start. But, after some time I realize that the input for the mouse click was not as responsive. I was forced to double click or really press hard the mouse button instead of a light pressure.
And when using another key bind for the same enhanced input (a keyboard key), it worked just fine, clearly responsive.
And after some digging, I found it out it is happening when I change the input mode when opening and closing a widget menu. When closing the menu I use the player controller to set the inputmode to PlayerController->SetInputMode(FInputModeGameOnly());
Reading your comment, I tried to just let it be FInputModeGameAndUI() instead.
And this seems to solve the issue.
Why is it like that ? I have no clue at all.