I have a rather simple setup.
Two levels each with a separate controller, pawn and game mode.
When i open Level B from PIE, i can click the LMB and get actors with “Get Hit Result Under Cursor By Channel”.
But if i open Level A(which basically is a menu level) in PIE, and then enters Level B with “Open Level”, mouse clicks doesn’t register.
In both cases, i have set a print string inside Level B’s level editor, printing out the Player Controller. In both cases i get the expected result.
I also connected a print string to the “LMB” Event inside the player controller. When i enter B directly from the PIE this fires, but when i enter B via A, nothing happens.
So its like something is lost when i dont open it directly with PIE.
The level aren’t streamed, or does in any other way have anything in common, and i can’t for the life of me figure out why a level change has this kind of influence.
Any help is much appreciated.