you’re probably going to run into this problem after mounting the pak file correctly.
yup. already started dealing with that since yesterday.
i have figure out a solution. but it is getting delayed because it turns out that plugin has another issue with mounting point.
excellent plugin. but most probably developer did not use this exact version. so 2/3 issue never was noticed by him.finding and fixing them is taking time.
Hello,I’m according to your aboves steps ,but not sucess. Could you can give a little demo,Thank you ,my unreal engine version is 4.12
how to make stand alone pak as you? I make shipping pak by edit – cooked for windows, but I don’t load it correct.
@muzaheed: Were you able to fix this crash issue?
Yup. But i am no.longer using the plugin. I extracted code from it and craeted own version . It worked fine untill 4.15
In 4.15 epic dis something pak.mounting ayatem which is making all the assets of contents folder unaccessible after u call mount() .
Could you guide me how did you fixed it or send me a codesnip to resolve it?
@Muzaheed I’ve just run into the 4.15 issue where mounting a pak prevents assets in the content folder from loading - in my case levels.
Did you find a solution?
sorry. same on my side.i decided to stick with 4.14 for now.
ooow. thanks man. i belief setting "EXCLUDE_NONPAK_UE_EXTENSIONS = 0 " will solve the assets content loosing problem
Search for it in the engine code (platform file.cpp? Not at computer).
Last I checked you still needed to do a full engine source build to do this. It’s not too bad once done but adds significant overhead.
Technically that statement is correct. However when I experimented with that it didn’t work the first time I compiled (but did kick in on a later compile), so I didn’t suggest it. Didn’t seem to be much advantage as the build file was in the engine source already [I might be missing something here but defining it in my own project did nothing and this makes sense as implemented it’s use needs to modify engine code so you need to be compiling engine code].
Honestly I prefer my suggested solution which is still sitting in la la land:
Ok, I imagined it was possible to modify it in another way since the comment on that row says “Use .Build.cs file to disable this if the game relies on accessing loose files”