MotionMatching with step interpolated animations

Hi there!

In my anime style project all of my animations use step interpolation. Every animation is created with 24fps keyframed on every second frame. Basically it’s animated on twos.

Currently for locomotion and animation blueprint I use the usual state machines approach with additional new features like stride warping or orientation warping.

Since UnrealEngine will most likely shift its animation pipeline towards the MotionMatching, I wonder if it’s currently possible to use MotionMatching with animations that have no interpolation? I tried changing the interpolation mode to step for all animations present in the new MotionMatching demo, but… well it looked like I broke the whole system because of that (and those animations from the demo with step interpolation enabled are animated on ones, mine are on twos for most od the time).

Does MotionMatching support step interpolated animations? Is it even possibile for it to handle such scenario?

Thank you for any help