Motion Warping Component disappears after restart

I Enabled the Motion Warping plugin and used it for an animation that moves a lever. I added the Motion Warping Component (MWComponent) to my character blueprint and did all the code changes. It works fine.

Until I restart the editor. An editor restart results in a disappeared MWComponent and the “Add or Update…” functions from the plugin are not found anymore.

I can fix everything, by readding the MWComponent and recreating the nodes that do calls from the plugin. It compiles and works again until I restart the next time.

Is this a known problem of the plugin? Or may a general problem of the plugin system in some specific situations?


I have the same issue did you figure it out?

Yes, I figure it out, you need to add the “MotionWarping” module to your *.Build.cs file like this:

			new string[] { 

For those who still got problem after adding the module, I’ll leave the recent post for this.

In my case, whenever I use ConstructorHelper::FClassFinder, all the motion warping components disappears.
This was solved after I changed the Loading Phase of MotionWarping to PreDefault from Default.

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I tried this too, but its not working for me so far. Any suggestion why this causing to UE5.2?

In the file I added motion warping at the end… PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore”, “EnhancedInput” , “MotionWarping” }) and the PreDefault was already set in the uplugin, can provide just a lil more info because this is not working, and there seems to be a lot of people that this is not working for.

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Change this file as well, change the Default value to PreDefault in the MotionWarping.uplugin File located in your UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Animation\MotionWarping

“FileVersion”: 3,
“Version”: 1,
“VersionName”: “0.1”,
“FriendlyName”: “Motion Warping”,
“Description”: “”,
“Category”: “Animation”,
“CreatedBy”: “Epic Games, Inc.”,
“CreatedByURL”: “”,
“DocsURL”: “”,
“MarketplaceURL”: “”,
“SupportURL”: “”,
“EnabledByDefault”: false,
“CanContainContent”: true,
“IsBetaVersion”: false,
“IsExperimentalVersion”: true,
“Installed”: false,
“Modules”: [
“Name”: “MotionWarping”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “PreDefault”