Motion matching vertical movement (Climbing animations)

I’m using the game animation sample motion matching system from Epic to build a climbing system.
I managed to add a new gait, Free climbing and I’m using it in the PoseSearchDatabases_Dense as follow:

The free climbing Idle animation is working fine.
The climbing left and right animations are working fine.
But for the up and down animation, it is still the right or left animations that are selected

As you can see in the rewind debugger, the up or down animation don’t even appear as candidates. They are in the database as you can see here:

Any idea how to get the pose search to select the up or down animations?

Thank you for your help.


Hey, my guess would be that you need to configure your Pose Search Schema for climbing to include better vertical sample data. From your screenshot I can’t see which one you are using, but if you haven’t customized it yet, try the PSS_Jump which has more vertical sample data than PSS_Traversal or PSS_Default. Email me via dankrusi (Dan Krusi) · GitHub - I am interested to help/collaborate.