Motion Matching not working after project package

I’ve been using the new animation sample with the motion matching.
I tried to use it fo AI and it’s working great.
The thing is once I package the game, the motion matching broke only for the ai.
As you can see on the videos, I’m using the sandbox character provided on the sample and it’s working the same on the package.

Things I tried already:

  • I reviewed almost all the blueprint part of the provided animation blueprint
  • Tried to rebuild project
  • Tried to compare my custom and the provided animation blueprint and my copy of it for the AI

Play mode on Editor:

Project exe:

Got the exact same issue, and also on the main character, did you find a fix ?

Not yet, I’ll tell you if I find it.

Still blocking on this thing, did you figured it out on your side ?

Nope :frowning:

Hi guys, i found something, it’s not a solution but this worked for me; i had the same problem when i migrated the motion matching assets to my proyect and move them to another folder, doing that i had to create the chooser assets again because those assets broke when i move them; so maybe that was my problem, because when i used the motion matching ABP in my character it worked perfectly in the editor but when i packaged the game i had the same error posted here; so i had to migrate the asset again but without moving the assets to another folder, and using the assets like that and that works for me. Hope this helps you =)

maybe logs of packaged build - if you can share … we should know the problem in logs itself hopefully

@IavetVY that is interesting, what do you mean by chooser asset though?

I am still digging the issue but it is clear that a simple duplication of the ABP file and using this duplicate as the new animBP creates the issue

I’ve been having this issue too, except it’s only after using github to copy my project from my desktop to my laptop, and the only mode that is broken is a new movement PSD I added. It works fine on my PC, but the copy does not work properly on my laptop. So frustrating…