Motion matching interfering with clamber animation

Hey guys, I didn’t really know how to title this, so sorry for that.

Yesterday I followed a tutorial on motion matching, and made my character run and crouch.

Today I bought a clambering and jumping animation pack, and because it was replicated, I didn’t have to do any motion matching. However, my character will not do the climbing motion. It’ll essentially just do the walk, animation and float up along the wall.

I retarded all the models so I know that’s not the issue, I’m thinking something is interfering with the actual animation. Does anybody have any idea on how I can begin to troubleshoot this? Thanks in advance. Appreciate it.

Hello, Welcome to the Forums.

In case no one has any other troubleshooting ideas, I’d start by watching this livestream to help you level up on the deeper workings of Motion Matching.

Thanks will do :handshake: