Motion matching choosing to completely shuffle the feet instead of choosing a montage from

First - I have a database, currently with two anim montages, with motion input notifies set to pick up where combos leave off (one montage per combo will not work, I know that’s what their intended for.) Notice uppercut has right foot forward, while the other one has left.

And second - the attack schema, which I’ve clicked on and off just about everything, which may have caused multiple crashes but - I feel like these should be the channel settings to make it work.

And yet, I’ve never gotten the character to choose to continue with the uppercut, despite the pose literally being the exact same. The MM consistently chooses to shuffle
his feet despite the feet weight being higher in the schema. Isn’t that the opposite of what it should be doing?

The chooser table logic and blueprint code consistently chooses the correct database, and then just picked to continue with the idle attack every time