Motion Matching 5.4 and Beyond

Just a general forum post for people to post their findings and ask questions all about Motion Matching in Unreal 5.4 and further.

I’ll go first:

How can I utilize the Mirror Data Table to if the character slows down on the opposite side of the feet it will choose the flipped version of the Idle pose. If they slow down on the Left Foot it will choose the idle that has the Left foot forward. But if they slow down with the Right Foot it will be with the Right Food Forward.

Left Foot Pose:

Right Foot Pose:

Here I just turned on the Mirror Data Table in the AnimBP. But I would like the Motion Matching to Choose it dynamically.

Any Ideas?


I’m gonna answer my own question haha.

In the Pose Search Database, if you click on one of your animations, in the Selection Details there’s literally a drop down menu called Mirror Options and you can click “Original and Mirrored”

So if anyone else was wondering…Here you go!

And here is the result. It feels more natural if the character has a few different Idle poses


I’m finding that if at times i get what would look like “foot locking” when the character is running. Meaning the run animation at times just freeze in a post mid-run.

Everything else works fine so far just this one issue that i can’t seem to find resolution for. I am using just the Lyra Animations by default for the pose library/schema source.

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Hey, Thank you for the information. I am trying it my self, but when I’m changing the mirror option to something other then original, I am just stuck at T Pose, and can’t see any of my animation playing on the preview window.
Have any idea whats causes that?

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@Dorizzdt You might check all the animation assets that loop, and make sure Looping is enabled

I’m not sure, but this is be my best guess

I’m hitting the same thing. It improved somewhat by increasing ‘Post Reselect History’ to 1.25 in the Animation Blueprint’s ‘Motion Matching’ node, but didn’t fix it. Please post if you find a solution.