Interesting. Are there plans for a source version of this plug-in??
I gave it a whirl and it works with BP projects. !!! I noticed the Motion Controller or the VR HMD task isnt in there. Do I need not the trial version to do this?
EDIT: added wrong attached image D:
UPDATE! : I apologize. I didn’t right click on the skeleton to make a IKinemaVRRig. Everything’s all good!
Also, I have one last thing. When I apply everything to the skeleton, for some reason the HMD likes to stay on the floor and deforms the skeleton. I cant get the camera to get off the floor with the Vive.
I think you might have to include a little bit of logic to orient the HMD and Camera correctly at the start of the game.
In the demo project we put together found in our VR Demo, such behaviour has been implemented (as well as a way to scale your player to their in-game avatar so that motions map accurately). The relevant nodes are the ‘Set Tracking Origin’ and ‘Reset orientation and position’ shown in the attached picture for getting the HMD and camera (‘FRCamera’ in the example) to align which are triggered during a calibration routine.
Apologies for the long response. I managed to get this all to work as well! I had to do some tweaking with the Skeleton I had. However, I do have a question.
Is it possible to make the Skeleton squat based on the HMD’s Z Location with IKinema?
With only HMD and motion controllers you don’t get any data that you can really use to solve for the lower body. However, you could get creative in generating task positions for bones outside of the head and hands. You could perhaps do something like drive the hips based on the position of the HMD and experiment with that. Assumptions would have to be made (for example, say the hips and HMD are taken to be always aligned along the Z axis) and would affect your end result but I think it would be very interesting to see the outcome.
If you had a crouching animation already, you could use IKinema on top of that to solve for the head and hands accurately while the player is crouching.
Interesting ^_^! So a possibility of getting the transform of the HMD and the pelvis bone and having the HMD dictate where the pelvis goes by the Z? I’ll be doing some testing on this. I’ll have to subtract the Z of course to ensure the pelvis doesnt make the exact position of the HMD . If i were to make the pelvis bone go lower on the Z, would the IKinema solver know to tell the knee bones to behave? or does the knee behavior go by the root bone?
Indeed, the assumption being made is basically your character is straight backed so the hips can be said to be a constant vertical distance from the head. It’s not necessarily a ‘good’ assumption because it would look pretty weird in real life but it would be interesting to see the results. In this case, the target position for the hips could be taken as being offset from the HMD by a constant amount in Z while X and Y are the same.
So this is relatively untested in a VR setting. Assuming you have an IKinema Rig set up with knee tasks and are driving the hips as you mentioned above the solver will process the data and output animations. Any results would be interesting.
As I mentioned, if you have a crouching animation you can then derive some logic that can switch your avatars animation as needed based on your human’s position. This method would give you very reliable results.
I got you indie licensing for using IKinema, and I was trying to make a Full Body IK for Vive right now and they said that this is only possible with the new Orion?
RunTime is intended for development of traditional VR applications so supports HMD + 2 Motion controllers. If you want to use more exotic set ups with extra trackers, Orion was specifically developed for this type of application.
I’ve had success doing this using basic IK nodes in an animation blueprint. I started with the VR Expansion Plugin’s Vive Pawn (which has proper VR capsule movement) and attached a basic epic skeleton model to the ParentRelativeAttachment component. I stole the walk/run animations from the animation starter kit on the marketplace and the content examples. Then I use FABRIK for the head transform and Two Bone IK for each hand. I blended between crouched and standing animations based on head height, and then switch to prone under a certain point. Most of the example animations were right handed, so I mirrored all of them in Autodesk MotionBuilder and blend between poses based on relative positions between the controllers. This way the hips rotate appropriately. I have pretty good results using this method, you can see them here: Hailstorm VR - Fancy new character test - YouTube
I tried IKinema a year ago (based on the shameless plug in this thread) and had tons of issues. Maybe most of those were user error, but I remember the deal breaker was that it couldn’t handle jumping. The model would just collapse for a second and it looked terrible. Constraint driven IK does sound appealing, but I’m not sure how it works and 100$ for a broken black box is a pretty bad deal at the end of the day.