Morph targets for facial animations


I’m looking to learn about adding facial animations to my characters (moving eyes, talking, expressions) and I have no idea where to start. I saw 1 video on youtube where someone used Morph Targets so it’s my only lead at the moment. Advice needed! Tutorials very welcome! How exactly do you get working facial animations in UE4.

I do have an idea for using it procedural with audio. I was thinking that maybe you could have states that can be triggered via float values, bools, etc and you’d have morph targets of all the mouth shapes. Then you’d only need to worry about timing and the correct mouth shape.

My question with Morph Targets are…
when they are set up, do they need to be all on the imported model, or can you import multiple ones like animations and target them to the same skeleton?

Hey mate, I once made a video showing the basics of my facial setup working with maya and ue4. Im also quite a beginner so its nothing fancy, but maybe it helps you.

As to your last question: you need to have all morph targets in your actual model. Then when you work with them in your animation software and export the curves, they just connect to the morphs in the model. Think of it as a special type of bones in the seletal mesh that requre a similar type of animation curve track.