Im working on an Character Creation System with multiple Morph Targets.
Im stuck on a Problem with multiple Cloths on my Character.
The normal mesh works great with an skinned Cloth as additional body Part ,the cloth follows the animation of my character.
But when im going to change the Morphs ,the Character will go through my Cloths.
Is there a way to sync my Character Morphs to the Clothing ? :eek:
Is the only way ,create matching morph targets for the Clothes and sync them Via Blueprint ? :rolleyes:
Hope you guys got an Stunning Idea for improving this ****** Workflow
Yes, but not in Persona, meaning that you need to create the dependencies in a blueprint, possibly tied to a float paramenter ( tick expose on spawn ) connected to the “Set Mprph Target”, so that you’ll be able to trigger the morph target on the body and on the cloth at the same time.
The creation of the morph target themself needs to be done inside your DCC, UE4 directly can’t manage ( unless you code it I guess ) to get the same deformation values from the body and apply it to the cloth, meaning you can’t transfer the blend shapes from the body to the cloth directly inside UE4.
I’m using a custom operator in Maya to transfer all the blend shapes with different topology and UVs and it works pretty good, but I guess that with the available tools you can do the same thing
You talk about your custom Operator in Maya which sounds extremely good to speed up this workflow.
Is that operator build by yourself or did you get it from anywhere?
If you get it as 3rd Party OP i would be interested to know the source of it .
It’s a mix between Maya and something I build by myself but it can’t be sold as a plugin or something similar since it needs a bit of further tweaking and the results themself sometimes are a bit odd, so it’s not a 100% full proof solution.
My advice would be to transfer the blend shapes using UVs, there are already custom plugin which does that ( google search them, there are 2-3 alternatives ).
I’ve used this solution a lot to transfer facial rigs from one character to the other and so far the results are pretty good, but the same process could be done for body blend shapes…
Otherwise you could use a cage modifier? but I guess you have to use a raycast solution to see the vertex/polygons underneath to manage the amount of movement of the cloth itself.
You dont need to work this out via UVs, one cant be expected to have matching uvs on body and costume geos.
Its very easy: Wrap your cloth geo to the undeformed body, then iterate through all your morph targets one by one and duplicate the deforming cloth geo out and name it as the original body target (with some pre or suffix if you want) then make a new blendShape for that cloth geo with the newly generated duplicates.
In the engine then just read the morphTarget from body and set it on the active clothes…
No need for proxy mask lods or uv transfers and all that … just simple and easy wrap.
I have the same question, just want to be cleaner about the solution, do you mean: that we should create several versions of the same cloth, lets say a T-Shirt, if the body has 100 bodymorphs, we should create 100 T-Shirt blendshapes, one per body morph for the same T-Shirt, then, when we create the customization BP system, every time the player edits 1 body part, each and every single cloth will also have to trigger their morphs at the same time, wich means If I have 100 cloth pieces, every single one of them must have 100 morphs… OMG
Question: how do you actually add those cloth morphs in Maya so they work correctly for UE5? I wonder this because from my experience, when you export a character mesh, cloth has to be exported along with the mesh so the skining also works in the mesh, but UE only reeads the actor morphs (maya blendshapes) and they all have to be located under the same blendshapes group, If you create extra groups, UE wont read them, a second problem is, all extra meshes (cloth) lets say you have 100 styles (100 meshes) in order to get the skining working, they have to be exported with the mesh, then… you lose all the clotch morphs, and in the BP you wont be able to “get” that piece to trigger the specific morph,
Yes, for every blendshape (morph) you have on your characters body, you will need to make the respective version on the piece of cloth affected by it.
The way we do it is to import a nude version of the character into the engine. And each outfit piece as individual skeletal mesh too.
In the character blueprint we then have additional meshes for the clothes and set the morphs based on what the body has.